Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What Makes a Beach Bar Great?

I was asked the question “What makes a beach bar great?” and it’s something I’ve asked myself many times before. My dream has always been to own a beach bar in the Caribbean and every time I’m reminded of that dream, I always wonder what it would be like. What would I want to see in my beach bar? The answer to that question should provide the answer to what makes a beach bar. After all, who wants to open up a beach bar that sucks?

First things first - location, location, location. It would have to be on a west facing beach. You would think that a beach bar being located on the beach is a given but it’s not. Sand would have to be a major component of the floor whether it’s the beach itself or it’s trucked in via sandals or the soles of feet. And sunsets would have to be available. The best way to end any day is watching the sun set. Along with the ocean, it’s a daily gift from Mother Nature and something we can offer for free to our patrons.

I don’t want it to be anything fancy. If a hurricane comes along and blows it away, I want to be able to rebuild it in a week or two.

Great music should always be heard. Whether it’s from a laptop, a DJ, a local band or someone’s boom box, music helps set the mood and it’s something I can’t live without.

A really basic food menu. You need something to absorb all of that alcohol. If you can’t include the menu options on a small chalkboard, you don’t need them. And if I have to do anything but nuke it, grill it, deep fry it or toss it, we’re in trouble.

No dress code. Someone should feel absolutely comfortable sitting there in their swimsuit … or less.  Anything more than a top, shorts and sandals would be considered pompous.

Happy employees. Happy employees make for happy patrons. Happy patrons drink more.

Home to all. Everyone would be welcome and treated like family. You can’t depend on just locals or tourists. Tourists will help turn a profit but the locals will keep you open.

Last but certainly not least, the patrons. Laid back, stress free, easy going, happy go lucky, not a care in the world. If they aren’t that way when they arrive, they should be when they leave.

What does all this add up to? A place anyone can walk into, order a burger and a drink and start making new friends as their worries are melted away by the sun, ground down by the sand and carried away by the waves.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Baby's First Heartbeat!

148 glorious beats per minute! Seven weeks and 2 days into our pregnancy. It's 1.1 cm big!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Journey Continues ....

Nicole and I are now starting our sixth year of trying to have a baby. Luckily for us, the company I work for has a great insurance plan which enabled us to really start trying five years ago. Unluckily for us, something just isn't working. This year we've decided to try artificial insemination. Even though the insurance is great when it comes to having a baby, it doesn't cover anything related to fertility issues. I figure we're pushing $10,000 spent over the past five years so far and that includes the insemination fee. I know in the end it's going to be worth it if it works. Getting there is the hard part.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Back From the Dead

I'm back. For now. I always start these blogs, get bored with them or move on to myspace of facebook and just forget about them. This time, I'm going to try and keep this one active just because I want the whole world to know about my life with Nicole because I know they're soooo interested in our life. Until then, here is a picture of Nicole in an all too familiar pose on our recent trip out to Cali to visit her mom and stepdad.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

My Immediate Family

This is my family at my youngest brother Tim's wedding. Ain't they just the cutest things ya ever did feast yer eyes on? Tim's new wife's name (and my new sister-in-law!) is Shelley. We're keeping her.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Signs Nicole and I Are Aging

She carries a pill box and I now have two prescriptions I take every night – plus nasal spray in the morning.

We enjoy driving around looking at other peoples’ landscaping.

I can’t sleep past 9 and she can’t sleep past noon.

We watch A&E more than MTV.

Getting over a long night out takes a long day in instead of a few hours.

She falls asleep hugging a heating pad instead of a bottle.

Our friends have kids who are teenagers.

Both of our cars have four doors.

Nicole acts like she’s my mother.

We watch what we eat instead of eating what we want.

We know what a gold finch looks like.

If we buy a boat, it will be a pontoon.